Peer to peer review

A peer-to-peer (P2P) review is a telephone conversation between a licensed BridgeSpan physician and the physician or other health care professional requesting authorization for coverage. A P2P is not an appeal, not specialty matched and not intended to overturn the denial. The purpose is to further understand the reason for the denial based on our medical policies.

P2P discussions may only happen before an appeal has been submitted and only for services that are denied for medical necessity or investigational reasons. A P2P discussion can only be requested for:

  • Pre-service denials
  • Concurrent denials
  • Post service denials in which the member has liability and we have issued a denial letter indicating a P2P is available. Learn more about our appeals process.

To ensure that the provider has received the denial rationale and has been informed of the criteria used for the review, a P2P discussion must be requested:

  • After the provider has received the determination letter and
  • Within 15 calendar days from the date of the determination letter

To request a P2P discussion, please contact our Provider Contact Center.

No additional information will be accepted as part of the discussion. If the provider disagrees with our decision or has additional information to submit, the provider may submit an appeal following the appropriate process.

Note: All medication-related calls will be routed to a BridgeSpan clinical pharmacist. If there are questions that the clinical pharmacist is unable to answer, the clinical pharmacist will schedule a call with a BridgeSpan medical director.